
The paper analyzes the dynamics of the properties of the educational text depending on the state poli-cy in education. During the weakening of State con-trol several types of educational material is being implemented. “Educational texts of the anomie peri-od” do not take into account the characteristics of the addressee; they lack topics that are traditional in the national education system. The only task of these texts is to inculcate the values of the author. During the same period, educational text, aimed at solving specific problems, may appear. So, until 1933, textbook journals were used in the educational process, prompted by the state task of eliminating illiteracy. In the same period, the first editions of conceptual textbooks, that have contributed to the following ones, appear. With the strengthening of state control over the educational sector, a new type of a textbook is being formed – “educational text as a standard of response”. The study provides exam-ples of textbooks that were actively used in the So-viet period and retained their relevance in the educa-tional process of modern Russia. Their viability is determined by the communication program and the fundamental nature of the content. In the modern period, when education is positioned by the state as a service, there is a demand for an “educational text that forms competencies”, the communication pro-gram of which should ensure its customization.

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