
The article attempts to consider love as a substance and the driving force of the development of man and humanity using the Bhagavat Gita under edited by Swami Prabhupada of the famous Indian religious philosopher of the twentieth century. The article substantiates the thesis that love is the substantial and attributive force of huma development, manifesting its substantial function. Attention is drawn to the fact that love disappears when one of the opposites is removed. Wisdom is to maintain harmony and mutualism of opposites. Classification of love in the ancient Indian religious philosophy is given. This is, first, the highest love for God Krishna; secondly, the love of the demigods and bhakti, that is, people who have reached the level of perfection; thirdly, love among people struggling with the modes of passion. Only love in the mode of good order leads to spiritual development. Once emerged, love develops according to certain laws, among which a special place is occupied by dialectical laws, in particular, the law of transition of quantity to quality and its categorical apparatus. The quality of love is provided by a complex of natural, social and spiritual characteristics of people. The quantitative aspect of love relations and relations is determined by the external parameters of natural, social and spiritual properties. A measure of love is an interval, within which quantitative transformations do not cause a new quality. The violation of the measure leads, as a rule, to a new quality of the plug. In the article an attempt is made to reveal the tendencies of the development of love through the prism of the dialectic law of negation of negation and its catechism: negation, self- negation, withdrawal, triad, spiral and multi- vector. It is shown, that love is energy, which gives life to all that exists, opening new ways, forms and ways of its existence.Keywords: man, love, dialectics, laws of dialectics, harmony and mutual exclusion of opposites, transition of quantity to quality, negation of negation.

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