
Russian Abstract: Статья посвящена рассмотрению отношения российского государства к такому социальному явлению как проституция. Обсуждаются перспективы и возможности признания проституции в качестве легальной профессии в России. Рассматривается формально-юридический и социально-нравственный контекст данной дискуссии. Данное явление трактуется как одна из современных и глобальных форм рабства. Поведен сравнительно-исторический анализ нормативных правовых актов СССР и Российской Федерации, которые регулируют вопросы оказания сексуальных услуг на платной основе. В качестве российского кейса попытки легализации проституции приводится законопроект А.Ю. Вульфа «О регулировании платных услуг сексуального характера» (2003 г). Также представлен опыт Нидерландов и Австралии как стран, легализовавших проституцию, и показаны негативные последствия этого. В статье использованы данные социологического опроса Коалиции по борьбе с торговлей женщинами и аутрича, проведенного на улицах Красноярска. English Abstract: The article is devoted to the position of the Russian State according to such social phenomena as prostitution. The prospects, opportunities and socio-legal effects of recognition of as a legal profession in Russia are discussed in the work. The authors wonder about the necessity of such a serious step. The etymology of the term prostitution is covered in the text. Among other things, the facts of formation of prostitution as a profession in the history of Russia are presented in the article. Nowadays, this phenomenon is interpreted as one of the modern and global forms of slavery. There is a wide complex of legal acts, regulated internationally and adopted by a number of States, which is aimed to it. The following examples of the international legal acts are given in the article: Convention for the Suppression of the traffic in persons and of the exploitation of the of others (1949) and the Protocol to prevent, Suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, which complemented the United Nations Convention against transnational organized crime (2000). A comparative historical analysis of normative legal acts of the USSR and the Russian Federation, which regulate the issue of providing sexual services, is conducted at the research. The Wolf’s bill On regulation of paid sexual services (2003) is given in the article as the most sensational attempt of legalizing the in Russia. This project was planned to change the attitude to the understanding of the concepts of consumer and performer in terms of the sex industry. In the text, the typology of male prostitutes is considered too. Also, the experience of the Netherlands and Australia as the countries legalized of is demonstrated, and the negative consequences of this practice are shown. The sociological survey of the Coalition against trafficking in women and outreach on the streets of Krasnoyarsk are used in the article. And, moreover, the position of prostitutes regarding the legalization of their profession in society is shown and described too.

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