The paper investigates modern innovative concepts and approaches in planning thesale of a tourist product and individual services at a tourism enterprise. The basic stages inplanning the sale of tourist product and individual services are considered, the main types ofinnovative tourism of tourism enterprises are determined. The author found that in order toimprove the activity of the tourist enterprise, it is necessary to make changes in the planningof the sale of the tourist product and individual services, in particular by applying innovativemethods of outsourcing, benchmarking and re-engineering. At the present stage ofdevelopment of the tourism industry, it is necessary to use innovative technological processesand resources for marketing the tourism product, namely, electronic booking, electronicinformation, modeling of tours, use of mobile applications, retargeting, and other methodsand technologies. Important are the innovative directions of online information for consumersof tourism products, namely through thematic forums, blogs, contextual advertising, socialnetworks, search engines and sites, link shopping, link biting, RSS and others. The authoroffers the most effective ways of promoting the tourist product on social networks.The purpose of the article is to highlight the main product and process innovations inplanning the sale of tourism product and individual services at tourism enterprises.The author solved the issue of highlighting innovations in marketing activities oftourism enterprises. Measures are proposed to plan the sale of the tourist product andindividual services of tourist enterprises, which will allow bringing the consumer closer to thetourist operator and will enhance competitiveness in the tourist market greatly. In todayʼssociety, when information systems are developing, new technologies are being introduced, thetourism business, such a multifaceted and changing one has to keep up with them. Therefore,the measures proposed by the author will certainly contribute to the planning of the sale ofthe tourist product and individual services.
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