
The article analyzes the technical value of the quality of mobile operating systems. The purpose of the article is the operationalization of this concept, as well as the formation of quality parameters that form it. Earlier in the scientific literature this concept was not formalized and was not defined. Manufacturers of mobile operating systems use the concept of total quality management, TQM. In this connection, the list of quality parameters was formed on the basis of previous studies, as well as archives of the creators of mobile operating systems, Apple and Google, as well as authoritative analytical resources. To achieve this goal, the article used logistic regression analysis, Alpha-Kronbach's method, t-statistics and cluster analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that all the key parameters of the quality of mobile operating systems are internally inconsistent across the entire horizon of existence. 5 clusters of mobile operating systems were formed, the quality parameters of which have internal consistency. The formed clusters are different versions of mobile information systems that actually existed at different times. As a result, the concept of technical quality of the mobile operating system cannot be considered as a final definition, formalized in any form. There is dynamic of the concept development, which reflects the actual quality of the mobile operating system at any time. At any time, the concept of quality is as close as possible to a successful innovative version of the mobile operating system. The development of this concept is based on actually existing at different times the most successful versions of mobile operating systems.


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Инфокоммуникационные технологии и системы

Таблица 4 Критерий Альфа Кронбаха для кластеров, рассчитанных по абсолютным значениям. OPERATIONALIZATION OF TECHNICAL QUALITY OF MOBILE OPERATING SYSTEMS AND EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS. The article analyzes the technical value of the quality of mobile operating systems. Manufacturers of mobile operating systems use the concept of total quality management, TQM. The list of quality parameters was formed on the basis of previous studies, as well as archives of the creators of mobile operating systems, Apple and Google, as well as authoritative analytical resources To achieve this goal, the article used logistic regression analysis, AlphaKronbach's method, t-statistics and cluster analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that all the key parameters of the quality of mobile operating systems are internally inconsistent across the entire horizon of existence. 5 clusters of mobile operating systems were formed, the quality parameters of which have internal consistency.

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