
The method of asset management in connection with the development of the economic accounting system of financial and economic activity: accounting practices, practices, representation and compilation of accounting (financial) accounts of companies is described. This development is related to the use of international financial reporting standards, which are integrated into domestic practice. The aim of the study is to organize the effectiveness of fixed assets revaluation as an asset management method. To achieve the goal, the objectives are: to investigate the effectiveness of revaluation and impairment in the management of major funds; systematizing the overall stages of the method of assessing the value of fixed assets in revaluation and impairment; exploring opportunities to expand approaches to analyzing changes in balance sheet performance, financial performance reporting and financial performance in the asset management system. The object of the study is the cost of fixed assets. The authors have examined the method of revaluation and impairment, selected approaches to the study of the effectiveness of revaluation for the purpose of strategic and tactical asset management. The authors conclude that a comprehensive approach to asset management is needed when reevaluating the value of fixed assets. A comprehensive approach should be based on the development of revaluation and impairment techniques to analyze the effectiveness of the financial and economic system and balance sheet control and the financial performance report in strategic and tactical asset management

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