В статье проведен анализ жанрового разнообразия творчества современных композиторов как критерия оценки потенциала региональной музыкальной культуры (в качестве пилотного региона был избран Краснодарский край). Материалом исследования послужили представленные респондентами эмпирические данные в виде структурированного интервью (анкет). Вводится в научный оборот понятие потенциала событийности жанрового разнообразия композиторского творчества. Продемонстрирован алгоритм установления индикатора относительного показателя вовлеченности композиторского сообщества в развитие региональной музыкальной культуры. В качестве примера расчета рассмотрена доля достижения цели развития региональной музыкальной культуры посредством хоровых произведений малых форм. Составлена рейтинговая таблица жанров в современной музыкальной культуре Краснодарского края, иллюстрирующая жанровое разнообразие. Выделено три категории жанров в зависимости от их популярности и семантической сложности. The article discusses the problem of finding objective criteria for assessing the active contribution of composers to the development of the regional musical culture. The aim of the study is to identify the genre diversity of the works of contemporary composers as a criterion for assessing the potential of the regional academic musical culture (Krasnodar Krai was chosen as the pilot region). The material was empirical data presented by respondents, who were composers from Krasnodar Krai. In April–May 2024, they were asked to take part in a structured interview (survey), which resulted in the collection of six questionnaires. The theoretical basis of the author’s methodology was the synthesis of the systematic approach of musical local history and the heuristic potential of the process approach of management theory. The definition of genre developed by the Italian musicologist Franco Fabbri was used. The absolute indicator of the composer community’s involvement in the development of the region’s musical culture was calculated; its value indicates the extremely low level of interest of its representatives in this process. An algorithm for establishing an indicator of the relative indicator of the composer community’s involvement in the development of the regional musical culture is demonstrated. As an example, the share of achieving the goal of developing the regional musical culture through choral works of small forms is determined. It was established that the number of partially published manuscripts of musical works in the personal archives of composers is approximately twice as large as the number of their works presented in performing practice. It is noted that the number of published works is smaller than the number of performed ones, which characterizes the region’s musical culture as predominantly handwritten (that is, performers use mainly music manuscripts). A rating table of genres in modern musical culture of Krasnodar Krai was compiled, illustrating genre diversity. Three categories of genres were identified depending on their popularity and semantic complexity: (1) works characterized by the simplicity of semantics and the “democratic” means of its expression (songs and romances, pieces for individual instruments); (2) works of a more complex structure, implying more significant social meanings (choral works of small and large forms, instrumental chamber cycles, works of small and large forms for symphony orchestra, etc.); (3) works of synthetic genres (music for cinema, animation and television, music for dramatic theater, opera, etc.), the content of which is significantly expanded due to drama.
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