
The article considers the issue of designing the flag for the first Russian ship “Eagle/Oryol”, built by decree of Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich from 1667. The designing of that flag is in the context of the formation of new state symbols and visual representation of power at the end of the War with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It took place in the late 1660s and early 1670s. At the period, a new version of the state coat of arms, a new coat of arms banner, and then new versions of the title coats of arms were created. An image of a double-headed eagle on the ship “Eagle” ensign (warship flag), perceived as the national flag of Russia, was the most important identifying feature of the ship’s ensign. The color scheme of the flag was not so important and it was determined in 1668. It consisted of three colors – red, white and blue. In historiography, the opinion took hold that the above first Russian flag consisted of four parts formed by a straight cross. However, such a version is not sufficiently confirmed by sources. On the contrary, it can be assumed that the flag of the ship “Eagle” was similar to the Dutch one. Whether they managed to sew the image of a double-headed eagle on its cloth is an open question.

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