
The author substantiates the importance of formation and development of human capital of state institutions. The modern system of personnel management in the conditions of innovation-oriented development is an opportunity to develop a new, more flexible strategy for the development of human resources of the organization. The main purpose of managing the labor potential of the organization in modern conditions is to find the optimal combination of effective options for selection, development, training, staff evaluation, training and motivation, to develop the abilities of employees and encourage them to perform higher level work. The author defines that innovative mechanisms of formation and development of human capital are a set of systemic elements of managerial influence, through which innovative development of professional staff can be carried out or is carried out. The article analyzes the innovative mechanisms of formation and development of human capital of state institutions. The author substantiates that the mechanisms of personnel selection of state enterprises can be: outsourcing of personnel, basketball method. Innovative methods of training and retraining of state-owned enterprises include: action-training, storytelling, CASE-STUDY, Secondment (command). Mechanisms for assessing the human potential of state-owned enterprises can be: Performance Management, 360 Degree Method, Assessment Center, Key Performance Indicators. Mechanisms for adapting the human potential of state-owned enterprises can be: Shadowing, Buddying. The author notes that the possible innovative mechanisms for the formation and development of human potential of state enterprises may be: 1. introduction of the best international practices of personnel management in companies, aimed at the gradual improvement of production processes and the creation of breakthrough technologies; 2. creation of internal corporate educational programs to transfer to employees the experience gained by the company, and to create an environment that allows to reveal the creative potential of employees; 3. joint change with the companies of the system of state vocational education in accordance with the main problems of the market.

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