
The actual need for social and geographical research of the region, including tourism, is determined. It is tourism that has an important social and geographical function of restoring peaceful life in the region, building a socially responsible society. Tourism should become a kind of mentor for social transformation, because when communicating with one another, people will never believe in the lies used in the information wars. The author presents a map of tourist resources of Lugansk region as of 2019, which will help solve the acute problem of lack of updated geographical and mapping information. The importance and practical importance of the development of strategic directions of tourism development in the region. This is due to the transformational changes that have taken place in the area in recent years, in particular the conflict and the restructuring of specialization. The author’s vision of priority directions of tourism development in the post-conflict period is offered. The main problems hindering the development of tourism in the region are identified. Among the main tasks it is specified: increase of competitiveness of the tourist sphere, increase of employment in the tourist sphere, increase of appeal and development of tourist potential of the Luhansk region. Recommendations on the need to preserve all tourist resources, especially cultural and historical ones, are given. The necessity of development of strategic directions of tourism development in the region is substantiated. The main strategic measures of tourism development in the field are proposed: the development of professional art; cultural events; the preservation of intangible cultural heritage, support and development of Amateur folk art; the development of a network of cultural and leisure institutions and institutions of professional art of the Luhansk region; the development and preservation of personnel potential of workers; support for additional education in the field; organizational measures include the organization and holding of the regional annual competition of professional skill “Star of tourism”; creation and development of the information portal “Tourism of Luhansk region”.

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