
The development of domestic tourism - strategic goal of the state that is achieved by the implementation of the measures in various areas of tourism development, both at the federal level and regional. Of particular interest are industrial developed regions, among them the Perm region occupies a special place because has great natural resources and well-developed industrial infrastructure, unique monuments of history. The development plans of the region, the presence of a developed industry require special attention in the organization of rest and recovery workers in various industries. In the Region implementing the state program for development of infrastructure of the tourist complex with funding through public-private partnerships, promotion of tourism resources in foreign and domestic tourist markets, the creation of the scientific base for the tourism development, the introduction of innovations in tourism. Priority directions in development are conference and business tourism, active, cultural, educational and cultural event, primary wellness tourism, cruise tourism, which is confirmed by the research. The state program envisages measures to increase the attractiveness of the region as a tourist destination. The article analyses the problems and directions of tourism development on the basis of systematic approach. The analysis showed that the elements of the system approach in the program are not implemented, but the possibilities for their implementation are: the development of public-private partnership, development of selfregulation and the use of tourist information centers. Authors give the suggestions for the implementation of public-private partnerships, the strengthening of state control and attraction of public organizations in the sphere of tourism, evaluation, staff development, motivation of the travel industry in the field of quality assurance.

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