
The paper examines conceptual approaches in comparative pedagogy. Major trends in the development of comparative analysis are identified. It is argued that an important task of comparative pedagogical research is to analyze how social and political values are translated into situational acts of learning. The author traces the process of developing educational policies in many countries to the assumption that so-called “good education” is linearly causally related to student achievement. The discourse of foreign concepts allows to note that peda-gogy integrates culture and value positions regarding the aim, form and content of education, which give pref-erence to some meanings and ways of being over others. Factors influencing pedagogy and shaped by the continental model are identified, including a description of the sociopolitical aspects of the implementation of the comparative analysis methodology. The paper addresses the processes of modern information and tech-nological factors affecting the educational system, and institutionalization of comparative-pedagogical re-search.

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