
Railway transport is a highly scientific segment of the transport industry. The high rate of technical, technological, informational, socio-economic and structural changes in the industry complicates the process of professionalization of young specialists, consisting of two main stages: professional adaptation and professional development. A specific feature of the personnel policy of the Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" (JSCo "RZD") is the systematic horizontal and vertical rotation of personnel. This makes it possible to activate the internal activity of employees aimed at replenishing specialized knowledge and skills, but increases the level of influence of socio-psychological risks associated with joining a team, effective communication, maintaining labor discipline, making professional decisions in conditions of high personal responsibility. This situation necessitates the formation of professional mobility of future railway transport specialists as an integrative personality characteristic that allows them to successfully implement administrative and managerial functions. The totality of qualities that motivate development, improvement, self-realization and effort includes the phenomenon of perfectionism. The results of a pilot study of the initial level of development of characteristics in the structure of perfectionism and their correlation with the level of socio-psychological adaptation proved the need for the formation of indicators of positive (healthy perfectionism) in the process of professional training of students. The study involved 4th year students of the Samara State Railway University (96 people). The purposeful development of professional mobility of students-future specialists of railway transport will be facilitated by active forms and means of education (multimedia technologies, interactive tools, project activities, modeling and role distribution), stimulating motivation to achieve success, developing constructive communication skills, leadership qualities and abilities to stage and achieving goals.

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