
Objective: to develop a methodology for identifying the types and subtypes of economic activities at risk of environmental corruption in Russia. Methods of research: the typology of the interaction of meso- and nanoeconomic systems in the context of environmental risk of corruption on the basis of a comparison of the results of correlation and regression analysis of the infl uence the net fi nancial result of activity of organizations and average monthly nominal accrued wages of employees of organizations on the volume of emissions of pollutants from stationary sources in terms of types and subtypes of economic activity in Russia. Research results: the approach to the organization of countering corruption in the context of the author's concept of the ecological nanoeconomics; developed a method of economic and mathematical analysis of environmental risk of corruption; justifi ed composition of the array of statistical indicators to empirically underpin the author's approach towards the fi ght against environmental corruption; identifi ed types and subtypes of economic activity, the environmental risk of corruption in Russia; the perspective development of the author's approaches to corruption prevention in Russia and other countries of the world. Scientifi c novelty: the notion of «nanoeconomics» was fi rst introduced to the scientifi c and deterministic defi nition of «environmental nanoeconomics», demonstrated the introduction of the following concepts – «nanoeconomics of enterprise », «nanoeconomics project», «nanoeconomics of the region», «nanoeconomics of the country»; it defi nes the essence of corruption in the context of dialectics of interrelation of interests of nanoeconomics with the interests of micro-, meso-, macro- and megaeconomics; the developed approach on the application of economic-mathematical methods for the early diagnosis of environmental corruption. Practical value: approach to application of economic-mathematical methods for the early diagnosis of environmental corruption it is advisable to use within pedagogical, research and analysis, and to develop guidelines for diagnosing the risk of corruption; the approbation of the author's methodology of identifi cation of types and subtypes of economic activity, the environmental risk of corruption in Russia, will allow to improve the quality of anti-corruption measures in the implementation of environmental policy of Russia and other countries of the world.

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