
Within the framework of this scientific article, an analysis is made of the formation and development of a dangerous social and economic phenomenon, namely, shadow economic activity. The author of this work described the process of the genesis of the shadow economy, as well as its further expansion. The paper indicates a number of reasons that first acted as prerequisites for the development of the shadow economy, and then became catalysts for the expansion of shadow economic activity in Russia. The author of the article studied the characteristic features that distinguish the development of shadow economic activity in Russia from a similar process in foreign countries. An important feature of the development of the shadow economy is the uneven distribution of this phenomenon depending on the sphere and sector of the economy. In this regard, in this paper, the main areas of economic activity that are most subjected to shadow processes were considered. The author emphasized that the shadow economy in the course of its development and expansion can lead to negative consequences that affect both the public sector and the activities of enterprises. For a more comprehensive study of the situation with shadow economic activity, this paper analyzed statistical data on employment in the informal sector in Russia in 2021. Based on the results of the analysis, the author found that the spheres of trade, agriculture and construction turned out to be the most popular in terms of informal employment in them. In addition, the author concluded that the shadow economy slows down the activity of all mechanisms related to the economic sphere.

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