
Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine the experiences of students in a specialized extracurricular program at Meister High School, focusing on their narratives, in order to understand their meaning. Methods To achieve this, three 3rd grade students who were participating in an extracurricular program at Meister High School were selected as participants. Interviews were conducted at the participants' school, and data was collected through two rounds of interviews with each participant, totaling six interviews. The collected data was used to construct a narrative through first and second order open coding, and the final narrative text was derived by sharing the constructed narrative with research participants and receiving feedback. Results Students begin participating in the specialized extracurricular program with the expectation that they can achieve something through it. While some students have experienced an improvement in their sense of accomplishment and professional abilities through the program, others have been left with disappointment and regret. However, it has been observed that students have developed both self-imposed and externally imposed negative perceptions through their participation, and there is a deep sense of skepticism regarding the extracurricular program. Conclusions In order for students to develop a positive self-concept through their participation in the specialized extracurricular program, a system must be established where all individuals' efforts are rewarded fairly. This means transitioning from a system that values results based on competition to one that values the abilities gained through their efforts. Through this transition, it is hoped that students will find joy in all aspects of their participation in the extracurricular program and have experiences that allow for growth and development.

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