
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to systematically substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and practical approaches to the management of project activities in local self-government bodies. Methodology. The theoretical basis of the work is a set of scientific provisions of scientists in the field of project management. To solve a set of tasks in the work was used the following methods: system-structural analysis and synthesis; historical and dialectical methods, method of scientific abstraction; expert evaluation; comparative and graphical methods; abstract-logical method. Results. It is analyzed that local self-government today is an integral part of any modern society, which plays an important role in the complex process of exercising public power, promotes deep awareness of citizens that democracy is not only the establishment of a set of electoral procedures, but also social partnership. ensuring the per-sonal participation of man in the affairs of the society of which he is a part. The process of project management in local governments should also be characterized by broad public discussion and publicity at all stages, which proves the rele-vance of the study. Originality. A mechanism for public evaluation of the effectiveness of the results of local govern-ment projects has been developed. The technology of identification and fixation of socio-economic needs of the local population with the use of methods of setting priorities and analysis of hierarchies is schematically presented and the importance of the process of filtering the needs of citizens is noted. Practical value. The practical significance of the obtained results of the research lies in the presented proposals of effective forms of public participation in the process of project activity management in local self-government bodies. As a result of the implementation of the proposed mechanism it is expected: to increase the level of public confidence in budget programs and the state as a whole; involvement of citizens in the implementation of budget programs, projects; establishing communication between citizens and local authorities; improving the economic performance of the region, etc.

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