
Formulation of the problem. In modern conditions of decentralization in Ukraine, local authorities receive new rights, powers and responsibilities corresponding the role and functions they are called to perform before the state and the people. Accordingly, the range of management actions they must implement is expanded and updated, which obliges local self-government bodies to pay special attention to the adoption of high-quality and effective decisions within their competence. Analysis of the recent research and publications. Such scientists as I. Ahieieva, V. Adamovska, M. Borovyk, N. Briushkova, L. Vaganova, O. Volkova, M. Ishchenko, O. Karpanasiuk, O. Kovryha, N . Kondratenko, V. Kopytko, G. Krasnova, Ya. Lashchuk, V. Martynenko, N. Makhnachova, O. Nikoliuk, M. Novikova, L. Rodchenko, M. Snitchuk, O. Udovytsa, M. Tsutskiridze, I. Yurichyna and others researched administrative decision- making a lot. Scientists raise the issue of peculiarities of administrative decision-making by local self-government bodies, analyze administrative decisions as a form of implementation of organizational function of public administration, assess the peculiarities of administrative decision-making by public authorities in extreme conditions, etc. Determining parts of the general problem that were not resolved previously. Administrative decision-makingin local self-government bodies remains acutely relevant in modern Ukrainian society, which requires constant in-depth scientific research. The subject of this research is the processes and procedures associated with the peculiarities of administrative decision-making by local self-government bodies in modern conditions. Presentation of the main research material. Making administrative decisions is a complex process, which in general should be considered in two following directions: normative (rational), according to which decisions are made on the basis of defined norms, standards and regulations; behavioral (psychological), in which managers make decisions based on their certainexperience. Administrative decisions in local self-government bodies should be made based on the need to consider them as part of a single administrative process, expediency, reasonableness and rationality, therefore, the model of their rational adoption should be considered. Administrative decision-making is a processе that must be rational, that is, produce the most reasonable decisions even when the managers have minimal resources for their adoption. Accordingly, decision-making procedure must be well thought out and provide an ideal algorithmic sequence for its implementation. In the most general form, the model of rational administrative decision-making in local self-government bodies should include such stages as preparation for the development of an administrative decision, its development, adoption and implementation. Based on the presented model, administrative decision-making in local self- government bodiesis based on the consideration of information, its analysis and summarizing from the point of view of the complexity and unity of the administrative processes. This means that all stages are interconnected by inextricable ties, andin its integrity allowsolving the tasks set before the managers. Currently, there are many problems and unresolved issues forlocal self-government bodiesin the field of administrative decision-making. In order to solve them, it is necessary to take the following steps: improve the process of planning of the activities of local self- government bodies in accordance with the need to improve the staffing; to develop goals and areas of work for local self-government bodies on a scientific basis so that they could work effectively and make informed administrative decisions; along with this, use and implement scientific approaches to organization of purely administrative work when making administrative decisions; to improve the training of personnel responsible for making administrative decisions taking into account the development of modern society; to use innovative technologies and approaches in the process of decision-making in local self-government bodies, as well as use modern softwareactively; to develop criteria for assessing the effectiveness of administrative decision-making by local self-government bodies, which wouldensure the highest quality of the specified process; as a result of the above steps – to improve personnel, material, technical and financial support of local self- government bodies, and bring them to self-sufficiency in their functioning. Conclusions. Administrative decisions in local self-government bodies are made in accordance with the model of their rational adoption, which is based on such stages as preparation for development, development, adoption and implementation of the decisions. Taking into account issues andproblems, which currently exist in the field of administrative decision-making in local self-government bodies,it is necessary to take the steps, implementation of which will enable improvement of the process of administrative decision-making in local self-government bodies and improvement of the quality of life for people.

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