
In this work, the authors analyzed the foreign experience of developing strategies for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry, and also implemented the task of comparing the features of the development of strategies for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry in foreign countries, using the example of Finland, Turkey, and Canada, and in further scientific research to adapt the main provisions for improvement methods of developing a strategy for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry in our country. It is now clearly recognized that the hospitality and tourism industry needs to develop on a sustainable and managed basis. The authors of the work note that the application of a strategic approach to the development of the hospitality and tourism industry based on the theory of sustainable development will allow to significantly reduce the negative consequences between the need to satisfy the demand for tourist services, which is constantly growing, and a small amount of natural, anthropogenic, as well as material resources, irrational use which leads to deterioration of ecology and environment in tourist destinations. The article emphasizes the fact that the governments of many countries today pay a lot of attention to the formation of strategies for the development of regions, in particular, strategies for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry. The work also states that a properly developed strategy will increase the efficiency of the hospitality and tourism industry, both in the state as a whole and in its individual regions. The article also states that the analysis of foreign strategies for the development of the hospitality and tourism industry showed that in modern conditions it is impossible to develop the hospitality and tourism industry without a program for its development and effective functioning. In the studied countries, the income from the hospitality and tourism industry occupies a significant part of the gross product, which speaks of the effectiveness of the developed and applied development strategies.

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