
Geopolitical instability, security issues and economic risks have a critical impact on the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine and require market entities to adapt and find new strategies. The key aspects of adaptation, security, marketing and strategic management of tourism activities in conditions of geopolitical instability and the search for effective tools for the survival and further development of Ukrainian tourism companies in conditions of military conflict are studied in the article. Considering today's challenges, this work aims to help tourism companies develop effective strategies that will allow them not only to survive the period of turbulence but also to build a solid foundation for further development and recovery of the industry after the war. The subject of the study is the management of tourism activities and ensuring the sustainable development of tourism in conditions of uncertainty and geopolitical challenges. The research is based on using scientific and methodological approaches and methods such as the method of analysis and synthesis for considering aspects of tourism in the context of geopolitical instability; statistical method for analyzing the state of the tourism industry; an analytical method for determining cause-and-effect relationships in the development of the industry in conditions of instability; a comparative method for determining effective strategies that based on the positive experience of successful companies. It has been established that initiative, the ability to adapt and learn own business in the context of new realities becomes key to success in conditions of geopolitical instability. It’s determined that to reorganize offers and diversify services, implement digital technologies, creative marketing strategies, show flexibility in relations with partners, care about security and quality communication with consumers, create alternative financial reserves and develop personnel potential is necessary. The proposed strategies and recommendations will contribute to the creation of a solid foundation for the development of the tourism business, able to adapt to new realities and restore customer confidence in the post-war period.

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