
The paper represents the results of the theoretical research based on the comparative analysis of educational paradigms in terms of their purpose, function, essential characteristics and structural components. This paper specifies the goals, axiological aspects, technologies of relationship between the subjects of the educational process and transfer of the accumulated socially significant experience, as well as the future learning outcomes depending on the strategic aim of each of the most significant theoretical and practical educational paradigms: knowledge-oriented, personal and cultural, or competence-based. All these educational paradigms are set into chronological order within the particular time frame, which are specified by certain historical and political events that took place in the history of Russia and, consequently, by the social demands formed under the influence of these events. As the subject of scientific interest, the paper presents brief reasons and studies historical and theoretical aspects of development of the active learning concept in Russian pedagogical science, analyzes the most successful modern research on the issues of the structure and classification of active and interactive teaching methods, considers their functional and practical focus, interrelation and effectiveness. Special attention in the research is paid to the issues of continuity and integration of advanced pedagogical theories and technologies in the setting of changing main educational paradigms, methods, and criteria for their selection, as well as the correlation between the elements which ensure the correctness of including the borrowings into each of the subsequent educational paradigm. As a result of the research, some conclusions were formed concerning the key points on the problem under analysis. In conclusion, the authors of the research suggest taking into consideration the core components of the structure of educational paradigms and their determining focus for the educational process of modern vocational education.

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