
Implementation of the New Ukrainian School Conception calls for the analysis of the teaching staff training both for secondary and high national school, its success is determined by applying progressive national and foreign experience in training highly-qualified specialists and the ability to flexibly react to changing environment. The society requires such specialists that are capable of transforming the content and forms of activity in a creative way depending on the requirements imposed by the labour market. It demands new approaches to the organization of students’ educational activity in institutions of higher education, new modern methodological content with active and interactive teaching methods. The author of the article «Active and Interactive Teaching Methods in High School» Bashkir O. I. has analyzed scientific and pedagogical literature, generalized practical experience of specialists training in institutions of higher education and on the grounds of the conducted research has singled out such active teaching methods as project work, professional role plays, games, holding «roundtables», brainstorming, mind mapping, chronology, structural and logical schemes, scribing, «Plus – Minus – Interesting», storytelling, etc. These techniques are learner-centered, encourage students’ active self-development, mastering professional competences. Organization of interactive learning involves simulating real-life situations, joint solution of problems based on the analysis of the circumstances and corresponding situation. Among the interactive learning techniques the author describes business games («Competence», «N І L», «Tender» etc.), role plays («PSEF-formula», «Six Thinking Hats», «World Cafe», etc.), case-method, which are based on work in small groups. It is claimed that application of active and interactive teaching methods in the training of future specialists in institutions of higher education promotes students’ interest, activates their cognitive activity, encourages them to independently search for ways and variants to solve the given educational task, contributes to effective students’ interaction, formation of their team skills, effective acquisition of learning material, tolerant treatment of any point of view, forming their own opinions, reaching the level of conscious professional competence. Key words : specialist training; institution of higher education; organization of educational activity.

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