
The article examines new opportunities and limitations for the development and implementation of the idea of deliberative democracy, which appear as a result of the large-scale spread of digital communication technologies in society. The evolutionary path of the deliberative model is analyzed, its relationship with various communicative theories and technologies is shown. The idea of deliber-ation is analyzed as an attempt to overcome the crisis of the representative model of democracy, manifested at different stages of the development of post-industrial society. The main emphasis is placed on the potential and possible social effect of synchronizing the deliberative model with the digital infrastructure in the context of the crisis of the modern liberal model of democracy, the result of which is the political passivity of citizens, the growth of distrust of democratic institutions and principles. Various approaches to assessing the role of digital platforms in the development and dissemination of democracy in the modern world are considered. As a result of the study, the factors determining the prospects for the integration of the deliberative model into the digital com-munication space are identified: overcoming theoretical differences between different models of deliberation; the quality of legislative regulation of the activities of digital platforms; functional features of digital platforms and the quality of software. The conclusions obtained allow us to form a theoretical basis for the approbation of deliberative procedures in the digital communication space, and can also serve as an orientation for expert assessments on electoral issues.The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions under which the digitalization of the political and communicative space can contribute to the development and implementation of mechanisms of deliberative democ-racy. The main objectives of the research are to study various concepts and models of deliberative democracy and compare them with modern digital reality. The results of the study were obtained using the methods of comparative, critical, systemic and structural-functional analysis, theoretical modeling and scenario method.

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