
The problem of formation of self-saving behavior of future officers in the process of professional training, which in modern conditions becomes even more urgent, was revealed. It is substantiated that self-preservation behavior is an important means of a modern person to protect health. It puts health at the highest level in the structure of the person’s vital values, determines the activity in relation to their own health, and promotes the formation of skills for maintaining health and maximizing life expectancy. The essence of future officers self-saving behavior and the peculiarities of the self-sustaining behavior formation in the process of future officers’ professional training are determined; the necessity of corresponding pedagogical conditions for the formation of future officers self-saving behavior in the process of professional training was substantiated. The system of measures for the future officers self-saving behavior formation in the process of professional training was determined; the sections of the courses program are developed taking into account with pedagogical conditions of future officers self-saving behavior formation. It is proved that the factors of the educational environment have a powerful influence on the formation and ensuring of the individual well-being. The article highlights the main pedagogical conditions of the educational environment in higher education military institution regarding the development of future officers self-saving behavior and the peculiarities of their implementation into the educational process, namely: the formation of motivation for the development of future health officers preserving behavior; the creation of an educational environment that will contribute to the formation of healthcare; appropriate organization of the educational process. Awareness of the health value and an effective system of incentives to maintain future officer health was formed; measures for the formation of healthcare-saving competence are developed; the level of awareness about modern technologies, means of preserving health, etc. has been raised.

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