
The article presents the results of the analysis of demographic trends in the Republic of South Ossetia, one of the partially recognized states of the post-Soviet space formed during the period of independence 2009–2022. Whenever possible, the demographic situation was assessed not only in the republic as a whole, but also in the context of five administrative entities. The analysis showed that the post-war trend of population growth in recent years has been replaced by a decrease; with a general decrease in the rural population, there is an increase in the proportion of men in districts and women in cities; high mortality of the population and earlier mortality among men remain; the model of a small family is being consolidated; a decrease in the birth rate occurs against the background of an increase in divorces and a reduction in marriages; there is a high level of migration, especially among young people, both from rural areas to the city and outside the republic. Improving the demographic situation is one of the priorities of the socio-economic development of the republic. The situation requires the institutionalization of an independent demographic policy, which is not yet available in the republic

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