
Annotation. Introduction. The article analyzes topical issues of ecological culture formation in the process of training future economists. Modern approaches to the formation of environmental culture during the training of future economists, determining the quality of professional training of future professionals in higher education. Socio-economic changes and the ecological state cause the need for qualitative improvement of professional education of future specialists in the process of professional training with a high level of ecological culture. However, the problem of forming the ecological culture of future economists remains insufficiently studied. Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the formation of ecological culture and thinking, the spread of ethical norms in relation to nature. Results. The analysis of scientific works on the formation of ecological culture in the process of training future economists, revealed the concept of ecological culture of the individual and the concept of educational environment. Attention is paid to the process of formation of ecological culture as a holistic systemic phenomenon in order to develop the ecological and ideological position of a specialist economist. The main measures of preparation of applicants for higher education in economic specialties, which includes the environmental element, have been outlined. The pedagogical conditions that provide the process of education of ecological culture in the educational environment have been singled out. Features of ecological education as an important component of educational process have been considered. Conclusions. It has been proved that the effectiveness of training future professionals and the formation of environmental culture of applicants for higher education will form an opportunity to successfully engage in professional activities in the field of economics after graduation from higher education.


  • Modern approaches to the formation of environmental culture during the training of future economists, determining the quality of professional training of future professionals in higher education

  • Socio-economic changes and the ecological state cause the need for qualitative improvement of professional education of future specialists in the process of professional training with a high level of ecological culture

  • The aim of the article is to study the formation of ecological culture and thinking, the spread of ethical norms in relation to nature

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У статті розкрито актуальні питання формування екологічної культури в процесі навчання майбутніх фахівців економічного профілю. Виділено сучасні підходи до формування екологічної культури під час навчання фахівців економічного профілю, обумовлюючи забезпечення якості професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців у закладах вищої освіти. Соціально-економічні зміни в Україні та екологічний стан зумовлюють необхідність якісного вдосконалення професійної освіти майбутніх фахівців у процесі професійної підготовки з високими рівнем екологічної культури. Метою статті є дослідження формування екологічної культури та мислення, поширення етичних норм у ставленні до природи фахівців економічного профілю. Що ефективність підготовки майбутніх фахівців та формування екологічної культури у здобувачів вищої освіти сформують можливість після закінчення закладу вищої освіти успішно займатися професійною діяльністю в галузях економіки. The article analyzes topical issues of ecological culture formation in the process of training future economists. The aim of the article is to study the formation of ecological culture and thinking, the spread of ethical norms in relation to nature

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