
The purpose of the scientific article is to consider the process of conducting musical and ethnographic expeditions to collect folklore material in a higher educational institution and the problems faced by the organizers. The analysis was carried out using the example of expeditionary activities of the Department of Folk Music of the National Research N. P. Ogarev Mordovia State University for the period 2014–2023, as well as expeditions of individual cultural universities located in Russia. The problems of financing expeditions, using special equipment for sound recording, digitizing the collected material and its subsequent storage are touched upon. The potential of field research of folk culture for educational and scientific activities is shown, as well as their contribution to the preservation of original folk traditions. The novelty of this article is determined by the perspective of the analysis: the work focuses on several problems that are not discussed in scientific articles. Conclusions are drawn about the need to increase funding for expeditions, including strengthening state support for events aimed at preserving the disappearing folk musical tradition.

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