
The article focuses on the importance of digitization of agriculture for rising the competitiveness of the domestic agro-industrial complex (AIC). In order to obtain an objective picture of APC nowadays, there have been analyzed the supplies of the staples in the Russian Federation and revealed the problems with producing milk, beef, fruit and vegetables of sheltered ground. It is stated that today Russia is actively implementing import substitution strategies in the sectors of the national economy including the agricultural sector. The main purpose of functioning of the national AIC has been determined as ensuring the parameters of food security for the population of Russia. There are considered the burning issues on achieving food self-sufficiency, the solution of which lies in increasing the competitiveness of the national AIC. The emphasis is placed on the need to transfer agricultural production to the ecological and economic principles of management and the rational distribution of using all types of resources. It has been recommended to assess the soil-climatic and economic potential of the territory in order to identify the priorities of food self-sufficiency for basic types of food in all regions of the country. Formation of the organizational and economic mechanism for creating competitive advantages of AIC helps to develop agricultural production on the innovative basis and to ensure the long-lasting food security at the federal level. The factors increasing AIC competitiveness are: economic soil fertility, usable agricultural areas, optimization of the structure of sown areas, system development of fodder production and animal husbandry, digitization of agriculture, etc. There have been analyzed the problems of insufficient digital prevalence in agriculture; the role of digitalization in achieving the parameters of food security is substantiated. The study results can be used to improve the mechanism of ensuring food security for the population of Russia.


  • The article focuses on the importance of digitization of agriculture for rising the competitiveness of the domestic agro-industrial complex (AIC)

  • It is stated that today Russia is actively implementing import substitution strategies in the sectors of the national economy including the agricultural sector

  • The main purpose of functioning of the national AIC has been determined as ensuring the parameters of food security for the population of Russia

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Обозначена роль цифровизации сельского хозяйства в повышении конкурентоспособности отечественного агропромышленного комплекса (АПК). Определена основная цель функционирования отечественного АПК – обеспечение параметров продовольственной безопасности для населения России. Выявлены факторы повышения конкурентоспособности АПК: экономическое плодородие почв, используемые площади сельскохозяйственных угодий, оптимизация структуры посевных площадей, системное развитие кормопроизводства и животноводства, цифровизация сельского хозяйства и др. В современных условиях факторами конкурентоспособности АПК выступают: − экономическое плодородие почв; − коэффициент использования фотосинтетически активной радиации (ФАР); − используемые площади орошаемой и богарной пашни, сенокосов и пастбищ; − зональное районирование сельскохозяйственных культур и животных; − оптимизация структуры посевных площадей; − системное развитие кормопроизводства и животноводства с обеспечением поголовью полноценной кормовой базы; − применение местных или хорошо адаптированных к местным условиям сортов растений и пород животных; − цифровизация сельского хозяйства; − технологическая модернизация предприятий перерабатывающей и пищевой промышленности и др.

Прогнозные сценарии развития отечественного АПК
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