
The essence of the concept “educational and methodical task” in the context of professional training of future teachers is revealed, the expediency of application of tasks in the process of obtaining qualification by students under the educational and professional program 014 “Secondary education (Informatics)” is substantiated. The teacher's ability to effectively solve methodological problems, which are reflected in the stages of understanding, design and implementation of methodological activities, is identified with methodological competence, as the processes of eliminating contradictions involve the use of methodological knowledge and methods of mastering professionally significant personal qualities. The expediency of distinguishing between methodical and educational-methodical problem is proved. The educational-methodical task is described as a task in which the content of the methodical activity of the teacher in a specific pedagogical situation is modeled, search of a way out of which assumes imitation of educational process during studying a school course of computer science in the conditions as close as possible to real. Competent problem solving requires fundamental knowledge of computer science and knowledge of computer science teaching methods, implementation of methodological actions that combine knowledge from different fields. The educational and methodical task is a multifaceted phenomenon and its content corresponds to the goals of the methodical activity and the characteristics of the educational-professional program according to which a student acquires the qualification “computer science teacher”. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of classification of methodical and educational-methodical tasks. It is offered to use the following criteria: structural components of the methodical activity; functions of methodical activity; the level of complexity of the activity. The conclusions emphasize that the educational and methodical task is an important tool and method of preparing students for future professional activities, the systematic solution of various types of such tasks contributes to the acquisition of pedagogical experience, the formation of methodological competence of computer science teachers.

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