
At the present stage of the development of world civilization, it is problematic to find a field of activity that is not affected to some extent by the consequences of the spread of a new coronavirus infection. The previously unthinkable situation has become a serious and critical test of readiness not only for the world health service, but also for educational institutions at all levels. General education schools, colleges and universities were forced to transform the education process into a new format, experimenting with mass “remote learning”. One can assert that the impact of the pandemic on education, including higher education, has radically changed its foundations. all educational institutions, including universities, found themselves in difficult conditions and were forced to adapt to the current events in a short time, spend significant financial and human resources for accelerated digitalization of education, trying to maintain the quality of education in the current conditions. Educational information and communication technologies, which seemed to be a form of education of the future, also changed their former essence and purpose. Universities were forced to solve many pressing issues in a short time: in what forms to conduct distance learning; what technical means to use for this; how to assess the assimilation of students of the material received; how to conduct final exams, defense of diploma projects, and how to conduct the enrollment for the next academic year. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University did not stay away from the events. And if in March 2020, the university mainly conducted remote training on the Moodle platform, designed more for independent work of students, then during the second wave, the university successfully conducts distance learning on the modern Zoom platform. The purpose of the article is to show the experience of using the above-mentioned platform in teaching foreign languages, considering its advantages and disadvantages.

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