
Issue 3/2020 of Balgarski ezik is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin. The first paper presents an overview of some of his contributions to the study of the grammatical categories of Bulgarian verbs, the advancement of orthography theory and the normativisation of Bulgarian spelling as well as to the history of Modern Standard Bulgarian. The study Konstantin Petkovich and Bulgarian Linguistics authored by Lilia Ilieva and Galina Nikodimova brings into focus Konstantin Petkovich’s views on Bulgarian language as reflected in the translator’s notes to his Russian translation of Franc Miklosič’s work Lautlehre der Bulgarischen Sprache, where he sketched the main features of the Bulgarian dialects, outlined the Bulga¬rian linguistic territory and provided comparisons between Bulgarian gram¬ma¬tical forms and forms in Modern Greek and Romanian. Nadka Nikolova’s paper titled Anastas Granitski’s Translation “On Commercial Writing” (1858): Introductory Notes deals with part of his 1858 translation of „Тръговско рѫководство“ (A Trade Guide) by Konstantinos Melas. The author emphasises the role of the translation in the reception of business correspondence models from the European Mediterranean on the Balkans and offers the hypothesis that these letters influenced the Bulgarian language on various levels: in terms of spelling and language features, genre specifics and terminology. Katya Charalozova deals with The Codification of Punctuation Norms in Spelling Dictionaries and Spelling Guides Published in the 1920s and studies the rules for the use of punctuation marks by analysing the state of the codification at the beginning of the 20th century as compared with contemporary codification. As a result, the author confirms the hypothesis about the continuity in the process of codification. Ruska Stancheva’s work Towards Normative Grammar presents differences between descriptive and normative grammar. The theoretical prerequisites of modern normative grammar and the principles on which the normative description is based are derived. Tatyana Aleksandrova and Zhaneta Zlateva explore A Fragment of the Process of Reconfiguration of Doublets in the Standard Bulgarian Language (Based on the Nouns Pozhetvovanie and Pozhertvuvanie; Samopozhertvovanie; Sebepozhertvovanie). The authors study the dynamics of codification and the factors determining the normative status of this group of nouns. In his paper on Semantic Characteristics of Christian Theological Terminology Bozhidar Pitev delves into the specific semantic nature of Christian theological terminology and proposes a classification and a theoretical and methodological model for its analysis. Hristiana Krasteva’s A Comparison of the Prosodic Features of the Clitic Cluster in Bulgarian Declarative and Interrogative Sentences studies the prosodic and intonational features of these sentences from a clitic cluster’s perspective.

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