
The content and structure of strength-oriented health fitness classes with women aged 21–35 have been developed to improve physical condition indicators and form long-term motivation for systematic classes. Methods: analysis and summary of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of self-esteem and motivation of women, pedagogical experiment. An analysis of the scientific literature on the impact of strength-based fitness group classes on the functional state of women of the first mature age was performed. The main criteria of physical culture and health motivation for strength-oriented fitness classes were determined: “appearance”, “health”, “psychological comfort” and “social status”. The methodology developed by us was implemented in two directions: health and psychological, which solve the main tasks of the physical culture and health process. When conducting the classes, generally accepted methods of physical education were used in combination with non-standard methodical techniques, such as: individualization of the volume and intensity of the load in the process of training classes taking into account the somatic type in one working group, independent assessment of the performance of one’s own motor actions, psychological techniques aimed at increasing self-esteem and motivation of women for systematic classes, as well as achievement of set goals.

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