Introduction. In our opinion, a whole contingent of representatives of citizens with a rare profession of meteorologists, who played a significant role in the transformation processes of the society itself, partially disappears from the historical study of processes in society. They are active participants in solving such a cardinal task at different stages of statehood development as the creation of conditions for ensuring the security of their state. They worked in many areas of the life of the Red Army, housekeeper, life support people. For territories with a population living on them, such factors as landscape, ecology, climate, and weather are of recent importance. The existing narratives deal more with the organization of meteorology as a science, and little is reported about the teams of meteorologists and practitioners. This side of life is more and more practiced in society by practitioners ‑ representatives of such a rare profession, weather guards, who warn against its consequences, man-made disasters, and protect human life. It is not clear for what reasons this stratum of the population drops out of their field of vision of historical science, does not become the subject of attention of researchers. Methods. Here a very important factor is the contiguity with this problem, the possession of terminology, the basics of studying the problem from a scientific point of view. Based on the well-known methods of historical research, the author considers the group of people within the framework of the delineated territory ‑ the South of Russia, and the limited chronological framework of the study ‑ the years of the Great Patriotic War and the subsequent time, until the early 1950s. Results . Meteorologists and representatives of related professions (weather forecasters, oceanologists, hydrologists, actinometrists, aerologists, climatologists, etc.) are usually integrated into the society where their sphere of activity is located, they are socially active. This contingent of citizens remains active participants in many of the public nature of events in the country. Using a specific example of an “army of meteorologists,” the author attempts to show their life, activity, without revealing the essence of the production side, professional, relying on the team as a structured part of a society united professionally. In this regard, in our opinion, the choice of the object is successful ‑ the Adygei autonomy, where there is also a factor of independent statehood, representation of all the peoples living in the region, the studied area. Adherence to the established order of work, the solution of the personnel problem, ordinary everyday life, the implementation of many organizational issues, including measures that stimulate labor, which were an integral part of the state and such a measure as socialist competition. The demonstration of its implementation, the importance of the role of such stimulation of labor in changing, first of all, improving the living conditions of specialists in this sphere remains relevant. Findings. The state of the weather service system in the period under review is not comparable to its current position, the complete computerization of the process of observations and forecasts. Nevertheless, this is the history of our Soviet meteorology and it has the right to fame. Its orientation to serve the Fatherland. Summarizing the experience of the past is the story of a whole generation of meteorologists, their selfless service to the Motherland. To remember those meteorologists who died during the war of 1941-1945, and those who worked in the postwar period,the memory of them is immortal. This is an imperishable page in the history of our Motherland.
A whole contingent of representatives of citizens with a rare profession of meteorologists, who played a significant role in the transformation processes of the society itself, partially disappears from the historical study of processes in society
This side of life is more and more practiced in society by practitioners - representatives of such a rare profession, weather guards, who warn against its consequences, manmade disasters, and protect human life
Based on the well-known methods of historical research, the author considers the group of people within the framework of the delineated territory - the South of Russia, and the limited chronological framework of the study - the years of the Great Patriotic War and the subsequent time, until the early 1950s
A whole contingent of representatives of citizens with a rare profession of meteorologists, who played a significant role in the transformation processes of the society itself, partially disappears from the historical study of processes in society. Представители столь особенной, отличной от других, профессии в условиях военной обстановки занимались решением и такой приоритетной задачи, как формирование условий для обеспечения безопасности государства в рассматриваемый период истории самой государственности Союза ССР. Андрей Котлярчук (Университет Сёдерторн, Швеция), применяя микроисторический метод исследования, предложенный Мишелем Фуко, а также положения его теории о принудительной нормализации обстановки, посвятил свой научный труд, опубликованный в 2012 г., группе шведских колонистов на территории Украины в тоталитарном эксперименте ХХ века. Несомненно, это все важно для изучения предложенной автором настоящей статьи проблемы применительно к метеорологам как «конкретной группе людей». В историографии рассматриваемой проблемы преобладающими остаются исследования статейного характера, документальные повествования о состоянии уровня развития науки в этом направлении [6; 8; 10; 11]. На основании постановления Государственного Комитета Обороны, включить Главное управление гидрометеослужбы СССР при СНК СССР со всеми подведомственными ему учреждениями, в состав Народного комиссариата обороны, на правах Главного управления гидрометеослужбы Красной Армии (ГУГМС КА)
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