
The article specifies the components of organizational culture (values, beliefs, organizational structures, rules and behavioral models, the formation of a favorable working space, practices and procedures that reflect the company's value orientations, symbols, special logos, ceremonies, corporate clothing, internal measures, i.e., everything that promotes communication and mutual relations at the enterprise), an assessment of the organizational culture of telecommunications enterprises was carried out, which made it possible to identify general trends and problems and shortcomings of the organizational culture of telecommunications enterprises (lack of understanding of the values, purpose and vision of the enterprise by employees, insufficient level of communication between management, management and employees, lack of a clear trajectory of employee development, unfavorable working environment and negative working atmosphere, discrimination, work overload and unhealthy balance between work and personal life, lack of recognition and motivation), actual tasks and principles of modernization of the organizational culture of telecommunications enterprises are defined (leadership; wide involvement of employees; interaction and communication; development and training; tolerance and diversity; ethics and responsibility; purposefulness and success), the priority areas of modernization of the organizational culture of telecommunications enterprises are substantiated (ensuring communication and interaction, creating a favorable environment, introducing a system of incentives, introducing a startup culture and innovative ecosystem, introducing the values of social responsibility, forming the organizational structure of co-working, recruiting and selecting employees) and the stages of their implementation in the post-war period are outlined. The implementation of the specified priority areas of modernization of the organizational culture of telecommunications enterprises will contribute to the generation of numerous advantages, in particular: high motivation and satisfaction of employees; reducing the risk of losing qualified employees; improving communication and cooperation; improving the image of the enterprise.

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