
The article deals with the problem of formation and development of aesthetic culture of future specialists in the field of design, in particular the essence and structure of this important quality of personality.It was found out that the aesthetic culture of the individual in terms of content and character is a complex socio-historical, cultural, educational and educational phenomenon. During the socio-historical past, it has shown the ability of a person to perceive, comprehend and create a beauty in the world, around the world and art. The aesthetic culture of the individual contributes to the accumulation of artistic and aesthetic ideas, works, and compositions, enriches the aesthetic experience of artists, and affects their aesthetic feelings, concepts, representations, values and outlook.The theoretical analysis of the peculiarities of the aesthetic culture of the personality of the future designer makes it possible to consider it as an integral component of the aesthetic culture of society, personal quality and spiritual and functional education, which manifests itself at the level of formation of the aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world and its development “by the laws of beauty” in the process of creative artistic-project activity. Being a complex system of spiritual and functional education, the aesthetic culture of the future designer relies on the social experience of aesthetic development of reality, is in a state of dynamic development, the basis of which is the mechanism of self-organization, built on the interconnection of its most important components – emotional-sensory, needs-motivational, cognitive and activity.On the basis of theoretical study of literary sources, three main pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of the aesthetic culture of the future designer are identified: the presence of aesthetic environment; a high level of aesthetic culture of scientific and pedagogical workers; organization of independent aesthetic activity on the development and implementation of a creative artistic project.

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