
When assessing the level of fire danger of technological process it is necessary to consider the rate of evaporation of the combustible substances and materials, the expiration settings for liquids and gases, concentrated limits of flame propagation for the combustible mixtures in technological devices and equipment. There are presented the Raman spectra of multilayer carbon nanotubes (CNT) used in the experiments. It’s demonstrated reorientation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes external influence variable frequency-modulated potential by atomic force microscopy, that eliminates one of the causes of physical and chemical anisotropy in nanofluids system. The electrical conductivity nanofluids of ethanol-based with multilayer carbon nanotubes increases by 2.5 times by increasing the concentration of CNTs, their functionalization and increasing defects. Presumably the electrical conductivity of nanofluids with low volume fraction of CNTs has a percolation nature, according to which the nanotubes in conjunction with each other to form a base fluid system of conducting channels. In conditions at low content of small orientational ordering additive increases the conductivity. The expiration time of the liquid hydrocarbon with multiwalled nanotubes is increased by 20-35 % with an increase in the CNT concentration. The rate of change of pressure in the saturated ethanol vapor modifications multiwall carbon nanotubes and subjected to the influence of the frequency-modulated potential during the first 15 minutes decreases in average 1.5 times. The rate of weight loss is significantly reduced, which increases fire protection fluid with additives CNT. The mass of evaporated nanofluids with ethanol-based multilayer CNT generally decreased by 30-60 % compared to the base fluid that causes nanofluids stability to thermal degradation index and determines the rheological properties. The mechanism controlling the properties of nanofluids depends on the physical properties of fluid and nanoparticles, as well as the parameters of external influence. The development of nanotechnology methods of controlling the properties of hydrocarbon liquids (creation bottom with adjustable parameters of nanoparticles and chemical free option) will allow you to solve a number of tasks to ensure fire safety in the storage and transportation of flammable liquids and combustible liquids.

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