
The world economy is undergoing serious structural changes due to the emergence of new digital technologies that fundamentally change the possibilities of production and lead to the transformation of social relations. The national economy, which is under a strict sanctions regime, unjustifiably imposed by the collective West, should not only develop at a faster pace, but also be able to ensure unconditional technological sovereignty. In this regard, it seems relevant to widely use such a high-tech solution as a digital platform as one of the levers for increasing labor productivity. With proper design and operation, the latter can become a powerful catalyst for the efficient use of resources to build an ecosystem of the digital economy for all participants in the administrative and business levels of the formation of the gross national product. The purpose of this article is to conduct an analytical review of the purpose and essence of digital platforms, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of their use on the example of one of the leading Russian enterprises. Based on the study of the works of foreign and domestic researchers, the essence and purpose of digital platforms are determined, and their impact on economic, social and social processes is assessed. As a result, the typification of digital platforms was carried out, which is necessary for concretizing their substantive use in practice. An example of the implementation of digital platform applications that are currently being implemented at the leading industry enterprise - the Federal State-owned Enterprise «Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network» is considered. A quantitative assessment of the economic effect is given. Directions for further research by the authors are supposed to be carried out in terms of systematizing the knowledge of the best domestic available digital technologies that can significantly affect the improvement of corporate culture and work organization.

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