
The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological understanding of the modernization of public administration institutions in the context of the introduction of information technologies.Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Problem statement: research of specifics of e-government in the context of modernization of mechanisms of public administration, object of research - problems of introduction of e-government in the context of institutionalization of mechanisms of the government. The study of the institutionalization of communication mechanisms in the system of state power is conducted on the basis of the methodology of neo-institutionalism supplemented by a comparative method.In the panorama of neo-institutionalist methodology, the processes of information technology implementation are understood. Estonia is the flagship of the introduction of information technology in the European space, so information on the achievements of the Government of the Republic of Estonia is given in order to fully understand the processes of modernizing public administration mechanisms. The article presents the contrast of the level of information technology implementation by governments identical to the traditions of the states. At the same time the article presents the different scales of use of Internet technologies in the context of the provision of public services. Comparative analysis based on the methodology of neo-institutionalism made it possible to comprehend the identity and differences of the organizational culture of the post-Soviet period. The axiological approach has outlined the patrimonial nature of traditionalism, which has the essential style of organizational culture of certain power regimes.Conclusions. The Republic of Estonia implemented information systems as quickly as possible. Institutions of power in the context of public administration mechanisms are characterized by a high level of organizational culture.The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Turkmenistan in the context of organizational culture is determined by the patrimonial regime. But RK differs from Turkmenistan in the scale of information technology implementation, while the style of organizational culture in the context of public administration mechanisms in RK and Turkmenistan corresponds to the principles of traditionalism, ie formal institutions remain the institutional design of informal rules (traditions).Traditionalism, a rudiment of the post-Soviet period, a characteristic feature of organizational culture is gradually losing its position, ie there is a transformation of public administration, so a significant place in the modernization of public administration mechanisms belongs to information and communication technologies.

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