
Стаття присвячена аналізу використання тактики пропозиції у кооперативній діалогічній взаємодії англомовного кінодискурсу. Досліджуються особливості актуалізації пропозиції, спрямованої на спонукання адресата піддатися спокусі. Наведено основні вербальні маркери реалізації зазначеної тактики. (The range of communicative tactics through which the verbal infl uence of temptation takes place is quite broad. Their usage is determined by the communicants’ needs, the speaker’s desire to form their positive image, and the adherence to the cooperative principles of interaction. Among the set of tactics used to tempt the listener suggestion is one of the dominant which makes it necessary to analyze its components and means. The purpose of the study is to identify how the tactics of suggestion is implemented in the communicative situation of TEMPTATION on the material of the English-language fi lm discourse. The goal provides the solution of the following tasks: to characterize the tactics of suggestion and to consider its verbal parameters. Suggesting a partner one or more alternative solutions to the situation, the possibility of choosing something different, offering a better option for the communicant are considered to be the variants of the tactics of suggestion. The speaker doesn’t put pressure on the partner giving them the choice to accept the offer or reject it which is an important feature of the tactics analyzed.)

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