
The article deals with innovative simulation technologies as forms of quasi-professional activity used in foreign language training of future aviation specialists in order to achieve a sufficient level of their communicative competence. It has been proved that simulation technologies or role-plays are ones of the best ways to organize communicative studying and the most common forms of active learning, means and methods of preparation and adaptation to professional activities and social contacts. It goes without saying that role-play as a form of quasi-professional activity, allows intensifying the educational, cognitive and communicative activities of students, because the structure of future professional activities of aviation specialists are reproduced in the game educational model the best. The essence of role-play, stages of gaming models’ implementation and its importance for professional profile of aviation specialists have been described in the article. It should be noted that the content of role-plays depends on the stage of professional studying. The usage of real professional activities’ algorithms in routine, non-routine and emergency situations is of great importance. Highlighted main requirements to role-plays conducting, defined tasks, time management, game conditions, stages of the role-play have been reflected in the example of role-play, based on air crash investigations, the purpose of which is the formation of future aviation specialists’ communicative skills. We have come to conclusion that innovative simulation technologies are used in foreign language training of future pilots and air traffic controllers in order to achieve a sufficient level of their communicative skills. The use of role-plays, as ones of the forms of interactive teaching methods, enriches the vocabulary of applicants for higher education with foreign language vocabulary, promotes the acquisition of foreign language skills in situations as close as possible to reality and allows the formation of future aviation specialists’ foreign language communicative competence. Key words: aviation specialist, interactive technologies, communicative skills, Aviation English, role-play.

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