
It was emphasized that in Ukraine, representatives of all types of law enforcement activities develop certain methods and measures to combat crime at the level of their own competence. Of course, there are national and regional programs, but specific bodies and their divisions have considerable freedom of action regarding the direction of professional implementation. This approach has positive points and some caveats. Guided by national programs, representatives of a specific law enforcement branch can determine on the ground the main "risk zones" and the contingent of citizens with whom it is expedient to work more intensively. The point of concern is that all services and units need to act in a coordinated manner so that preventive work is carried out in a planned manner and covers all areas of the population without gaps and duplication of measures. It is noted that the introduction of grant programs is a powerful factor for the full implementation of preventive measures to prevent crime. Each grant program provides for a specific direction of implementation of measures that will ensure work with the target audience based on a certain set of methods. Programs for work with minors are, as a rule, educational, those that cover the population in general - legal education, work with the elderly is aimed at familiarization with social guarantees and opportunities, in particular, with regard to inheritance law, lifetime maintenance contracts, etc. It was found out that today in all developed countries of the world, in particular in the USA, large-scale work on preventive activities is carried out at the state level. The authorized bodies develop perspective programs and create specialized units that implement these projects in practice. World practice on crime prevention is implemented through practical application after being established in the relevant regulatory and legal acts. Attention is focused on the importance of conducting preventive work with persons released from prisons in the context of their resocialization. Such persons need psychological and material support in order not to commit crimes due to the rejection of them by society, because many of them claim that it is easier for them to be in places of deprivation of liberty than in a prejudiced environment, when it is difficult to get a job, to restore lost social connections ties, etc.

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