
The article examines the concept of legal science, education and practice in the context of their interaction. It is noted that the main task of the domestic system of higher legal education is to find a balance between fundamental theoretical training and practical skills. Some types of legal practice require thorough knowledge in the field of both national and international law. Many universities focus on studying the legislation of other countries and foreign languages. In addition, modern political processes require revision of work programs of disciplines, for example, related to the activities of international organizations. For the future professional, we consider it important not only to consolidate theoretical knowledge and mechanical skills, but also to form legal thinking (develop analysis, argumentation, decision-making, responsibility). It is emphasized that the changes in the field of legal education are enshrined in the Report of the European Commission on Ukraine’s progress towards joining the EU, which was published in November 2023. Among other things, there are requirements: to clearly distinguish between legal education and personnel training for law enforcement agencies; strengthen law school admission requirements and law school licensing requirements; introduce a transparent distribution of state orders; review educational programs with an emphasis on ethics, practical training, EU law and international exchanges; implement EDKI. When modernizing legal education, it is also important to pay attention to the learning process, in particular, it is necessary to diversify the activities of students. In addition to traditional lectures, seminars and the previously mentioned practices, the experience of writing coursework and final qualification papers, participation in model processes is important for future lawyers, as this allows for the formation of a general and legal culture of writing and speech, a legal position in a case and the skills of conducting a discussion. It is concluded that new legal mechanisms are being formed in modern Ukraine, which is manifested, in particular, in active law-making, qualitative changes are taking place in legal awareness, including professional awareness. Under such conditions, professional legal education, which involves the formation of students’ practical skills, becomes invaluable. While preserving the training of professionals for a narrow field of legal activity, university education on the basis of domestic and European legal science should be developed at the same time. A university student will be able to become a good specialist only if he studies legal concepts, categories, constructions and ways of their expression in various legal realities. Such knowledge will not become obsolete in a few years, even if the current legislation changes.

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