
The purpose of the research is to evaluate therapeutic efficiency of Gamavit in the cases of dehelminthization of puppies and kittens. Materials and methods . Researches were conducted on 18 puppies and 20 kittens of different breeds at the age from 3 weeks to 3 months which had been divided based on analogues into two groups on each animal type. Precautionary dehelminthization was conducted for one part of animals, forced dehelminthization for the other part of animals (presence of helminths' ootids in fecal masses Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum). Anthelmintic Dirofen-suspension was administered to animals of the first group orally as prescribed by instructions. Gamavit at a dose of 0.2 ml/kg was additionally administered as a single dose subdermally during dehelminthization of kittens and puppies of the second group. Results and discussion . Vomiting, decreased appetite were noted in animals of control group (without administration of Gamavit) after dehelminthization. Visible adverse changes were not noted in animals of experimental group (with administration of Gamavit). Weakening of leukocytosis and lowering of ERS, increase in red blood cells and hematocrit level, descreased activity of transferring enzymes and LDH level were noticed in animals of this group suggestive of weakening of intoxication and inflammatory reaction. In contrast, increased activity of transferring enzymes and LDH level were noticed in animals of control group which allows to infer about persisting inflammatory events. Consequently, high therapeutic efficiency of Gamavit in the cases of precautionary and forced dehelminthization were elucidated.


  • Vomiting, decreased appetite were noted in animals of control group after dehelminthization

  • Visible adverse changes were not noted in animals of experimental group

  • Weakening of leukocytosis and lowering of ERS, increase in red blood cells and hematocrit level, descreased activity of transferring enzymes and LDH level were noticed in animals of this group suggestive of weakening of intoxication and inflammatory reaction

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Повышение эффективности дегельминтизации котят и щенков с помощью препарата гамавит Вячеслав Васильевич Анников, Александр Владимирович Красников, Елизавета Сергеевна Платицына. Цель исследований: оценить терапевтическую эффективность гамавита при дегельминтизации щенков и котят. Котятам и щенкам второй группы дополнительно во время дегельминтизации вводили гамавит в дозе 0,2 мл/кг подкожно однократно. После дегельминтизации у животных контрольной группы (без применения гамавита) отмечали рвоту, ухудшение аппетита. После дегельминтизации у животных этой группы наблюдали ослабление лейкоцитоза и снижение СОЭ, повышение уровня эритроцитов и гематокритной величины, снижение активности трансфераз и уровня ЛДГ, что указывает на ослабление интоксикации и воспалительной реакции. У животных контрольной группы отмечали повышение активности трансфераз и уровня ЛДГ, что позволяет судить о сохраняющихся воспалительных явлениях. Установлена высокая терапевтическая эффективность гамавита при проведении профилактической и вынужденной дегельминтизации. С. Повышение эффективности дегельминтизации котят и щенков с помощью препарата гамавит // Российский паразитологический журнал. Improving the Efficiency of Deworming Kittens and Puppies Using the Drug Gamavit

Materials and methods
Results and discussion
Материалы и методы
Результаты и обсуждение
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