
The concept of lifelong education in modern Russia is focused on significant expansion of the entire educational space, where the issues of self-education and self-development of the individual are paramount. The problem of developing the skills of student’s self-education in departmental organizations of higher education for the formation of a stable highly professional staff of the penal system is especially urgent, since self-education allows them to ensure the conscious development of professionally important personality traits. The aim of the study was to study the level of need for self-education among future employees in a departmental university. The tasks of the experimental work is diagnostics of the process of self-education of students and the study of ways and means of organizing the process of self-education in a departmental university. The study was based on the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia”. The study involved 10, 3-year students of the Faculty of Psychology; was used the questionnaire “The need for self-education” (by S. V. Yudakova), consisting of three parts: 1) it allows you to identify the ability of students to develop; 2) is aimed at identifying factors that stimulate and hinder the self-education of the subjects; 3) allows to identify the degree of proficiency in the skills of independent work by future specialists. The results of the survey revealed the following: 20 % of students scored more than 55 points and have a high desire and motivation for self-education. Most of the subjects – 50 % – scored from 36 to 54 points and showed an average level of desire for self-education. Three respondents – 30 % of students have a low level of development of the need for self-education. Thus, the results obtained made it possible to reveal that future employees of the penitentiary system have, predominantly, an average and low level of development of the need for self-education. Consequently, it is expedient to work on organizing the process of developing the need for self-development and self-education skills of students in a departmental educational organization of higher education.

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