
Abstract. The article presents the results of research on the use of liquid organic fertilizer in the cultivation of winter wheat in compliance with the requirements of organic farming in the grain-steam crop rotation of the experimental field of the South-Ukrainian branch of L. Pogorilyy UkrNDIPVT in 2020-2021. The purpose of research is to analyze the effectiveness of organic fertilizers as a strategic priority for the development of low-carbon agricultural land use (agrochemical direction of adaptation to climate change). Determining the impact of liquid organic fertilizer "Riverm" on the quality of the soil and its ability to retain moisture, as well as to increase the productivity of winter wheat in crop rotations on non-irrigated lands of southern Ukraine. Research methods: field quantitative-weight, visual and laboratory methods. Mathematical and statistical methods used to systematize and generalize the obtained results. Research results. It has been experimentally established that the use of new generation organic fertilizers suspends the reduction of humus content and contributes to the achievement of its deficit-free balance. In particular, during the study period there was a significant increase in the content of organic matter (labile humus) in the soil by 6.01 %, which in two years rose to the level of average values (2.10 %), against a low level of security (1.98 %) to use of “Riverm” fertilizer. Conclusions. The effectiveness of liquid organic fertilizer "Riverm" in the cultivation of winter wheat Khersonskaya-99 in the southern steppe of Ukraine, which improves nutrition and significantly increases the content of mineral nutrients (NPK), and as a result helps to increase the yield of winter wheat on average at 14 %.


  • The article presents the results of research on the use

  • The purpose of research is to analyze the effectiveness of organic fertilizers as a strategic priority

  • It has been experimentally established that the use of new generation organic fertilizers suspends the reduction

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