
The studies were conducted from 2020 to 2021 on paired objects of pure deposits that are in the weedy stage of succession, as well as arrays of developed deposits in the initial stage of their use in arable land. In the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe, an assessment of the indicators of potential and effective fertility of various types of soils of these paired objects was obtained. as well as the results of taking into account the productivity of phytomass and crop yields. The state of the soil-absorbing complex practically does not change during the development and initial use of various types of soil deposits. When deposits are involved in arable land, the nitrate form of nitrogen in the soil somewhat prevails over the ammonium form due to the potentially high fertility of highly humus soils of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe. The availability of mobile phosphates in soils is low, and the exchange of potassium is increased or high, especially in soils of heavy granulometric composition. . The spatial variation of physical and chemical properties is very low in the soils of all objects, and the nutrition elements are high, especially in developed soils. Keywords: DEPOSIT, DEVELOPMENT, SOIL, AGROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES, SOIL-ABSORBING COMPLEX, NUTRITION ELEMENTS, VARIATION

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