
The need for research is due to the use by farmers of the region of continuous row soybean crops with high seeding rates, without taking into account the characteristics of the variety. The purpose of the work is to establish the optimal method and rate of sowing seeds of the Persona soybean variety to obtain a high yield of high-quality seeds. A two-factor field experiment was carried out on the experimental field of the Far Eastern State Agrarian University of the Amur Region in 2017-2019. Options: factor A – seeding rate: 1. 250; 2. 400 (control); 3. 550; 4. 700; 5. 850 thousand pieces per hectare; factor B – row spacing: 1. 15 cm (control); 2. 30; 3. 45; 4. 60 cm. Each row spacing corresponded to five seed sowing rates. The Persona soybean variety produces the highest yield with wide-row sowing with a row spacing of 45 cm and a seeding rate of 550 thousand units/ha – 2,6 t/ha. Not significantly by 0,1 t/ha inferior to him sowing the same row spacing with a seeding rate of 400 thousand pcs./ha and row sowing at 30 cm with a seeding rate of 550 thousand pcs. for 1 hectare. Such crops provide the yield of high-quality seeds with a high fat content and are practically not inferior to the control in protein content. In the Amur region conditions for obtain the largest number of high-quality seeds, it is advisable to sow soybeans of the Persona variety with row spacing of 30 or 45 cm and a seeding rate of 550 thousand pieces per 1 ha. Keywords: SOYBEAN, PERSONA VARIETY, SEEDING RATE, GERMINATION, QUALITY, WEIGHT, YIELD, SEEDS

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