
The review presents data from studies on climate change in the Arctic and subarctic regions of Russia It is showed, that climate changes unevenly within different regions and seasons. In Yakutia there is a tendency of more frequent events, such as: unexpected spring floods, summer-autumn rain floods, heavy precipitation in winter and other phenomena resulted in hydrodynamic accidents at low-pressure water management structures as well as water supply decrease for reclamation purposes. Takin into account the results of the analysis, it can be assumed that the adaptive technologies application under conditions of climate change in order to increase water availability in the rural areas of both Yakutia and Subarctic zones is a fundamental direction of scientific research in the field of land melioration in the cryolithozone of Yakutia in the context of climate change, which requires research updating to improve methods, new technical, constructive and technological solutions in hydraulic amelioration.

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