
Purpose. To determine promising directions for the development of the technical and technological foundations of soil cultivation in the conditions of climate change. Methods. Monographic, abstract-logical, graph-analytical, induction and deduction, regression analysis of results. Results. Modern soil cultivation technologies are considered, their advantages and disadvantages, development trends are defined. It has been established that climate change will significantly affect the terms of execution of works, the conditions of interaction of working bodies of technical means with the soil environment. The parabolic relationship between traction resistance and soil moisture means that climate change will increase fuel costs for tillage. Therefore, the further search for new technical and technological solutions should be aimed at reducing energy consumption and preventing physical degradation of soils, substantiating structural and functional schemes of technical means for soil cultivation, parameters of working bodies and modes of operation, under which the number of dust particles in the surface layer of the soil will be minimal. Conclusions. The main direction of the development of the technical and technological base for the production of plant products in the conditions of climate change is the harmonization of the interaction of the working bodies of tillage machines with the soil, which will ensure the reduction of physical soil degradation and energy consumption to create a favorable environment for plant development and crop formation. In the conditions of global climate change, agricultural production is being reoriented towards precision farming systems, therefore, crop production technologies should be based on targeted tillage with the simultaneous introduction of a full dose of mineral nutrition into the seed sowing area for the planned harvest, sowing of seeds and preservation of plant residues on the surface of the soil for protection it from overheating and loss of moisture. Keywords: technical means, soil cultivation technologies, interaction of working bodies with the soil, soil moisture, soil resistance, energy consumption, physical soil degradation.

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