Purpose: to investigate the Ukrainian song as means of consolidation of nation and find out, what the phenomenon of the song «Noise» performed by the band «Go_A» consists in. Research is carried out by means of descriptive method, it is made theoretical analysis of literature, critical analysis of researches, it is applied the method of selection and systematization of material, the method of supervision, synthesis. Folklorists have already been studying the song «Noise» over one hundred and fifty years: 1) it was investigated by М. Maksymovych, B. Hrinchenko, М. Hrushevskyi and others; 2) the «Noise» is a very old Ukrainian vesnianka (spring folk song) that originates from pre-christian times and rituals related to nature, with its spring awakening; 3) the «Noise» is personification: well-organized energy, green forest, character of noise of the first spring greenery, God of the forest. Haivka (spring song) is the ancient name of round dances that was saved yet from the time, when our ancestors carried out ceremonial songs and dances in the protected groves round sacred trees. Aboriginal vesnianky (spring folk songs)-haivky are syncretic – singing and motion, words and action, song and dance are combined in them. Phenomenon of the song «Noise» that was presented on a song competition Eurovision by the Ukrainian electro-folk band «Go_A», consists in that on a background of «sleek and inexpressive pop songs» that sounded mainly in English, Ukrainian performers, leaning against old Ukrainian folklore traditions, offered to Europe Ukrainian powerful and catching «spring hymn» in a style of techno, that was perceived with gladness and fascination by European listener audience. Thus, firstly, Ukrainian haivka (spring song) became a world hit in 2021; secondly, the band «Go_A», keeping national identity, popularizes Ukraine, Ukrainian language and Ukrainian song; thirdly, it consolidates Ukrainian society; fourthly, it engages young people in patriotic education. Summarizing, it is possible to establish with confidence: 1) Ukrainian language and Ukrainian song are indivisible as they are organically interdependent and are the basic criteria of originality of nation; 2) the Ukrainian song as well as language unites nation; 3) we found out, firstly, that the old Ukrainian vesnianka (spring folk song) «Noise» became the basis of the song «Noise» of the Ukrainian band «Go_A»; secondly, we made sure that vesnianky (spring folk songs) and haivky (spring songs) were not identical concepts, as varieties of vesnianky (spring folk songs) are haivky – songs that were performed only in time of the Easter holidays; vesnianky (spring folk songs) are a cycle of spring songs that are sung from the Annunciation.
Дослідження здійснено за допомогою описового методу, реалізовано критичний аналіз розвідок, застосовано процедури добору та систематизації, спостереження й синтезу матеріалу
Summarizing, it is possible to establish with confidence: 1) Ukrainian language and Ukrainian song are indivisible as they are organically interdependent and are the basic criteria of originality of nation; 2) the Ukrainian song as well as language unites nation; 3) we found out, firstly, that the old Ukrainian vesnianka «Noise» became the basis of the song «Noise» of the Ukrainian band «Go_A»; secondly, we made sure that vesnianky and haivky were not identical concepts, as varieties of vesnianky are haivky – songs that were performed only in time of the Easter holidays; vesnianky are a cycle of spring songs that are sung from the Annunciation
Ми з’ясували, по-перше, що в основу пісні «Шум», яку презентував на пісенному конкурсі «Євробачення» український електрофолькгурт «Go_A», лягла давня українська веснянка «Шум», що, на думку фольклористів, походить ще з дохристиянських часів, пов’язана з весняними ритуалами, які ініціюють пробудження природи; по-друге, первісні веснянки-гаївки є синкретичними – у них поєднано співи й рух, слова й дію, пісню та танок; по-третє, веснянки і гаївки не є тотожними поняттями, оскільки різновидами веснянок є гаївки – пісні, котрі виконувалися тільки у час Великодніх свят; на відміну від гаївок, веснянки обіймають цикл весняних пісень, які співаються, починаючи від Благовіщення, протягом усієї весни
Дослідження здійснено за допомогою описового методу, реалізовано критичний аналіз розвідок, застосовано процедури добору та систематизації, спостереження й синтезу матеріалу. Гаївки – стародавня назва хороводів, яка збереглася ще від того часу, коли наші пращури виконували обрядові пісні й танці в заповідних гаях навколо священних дерев.
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